Portland material called mean. One compound with the ground powder which when mixed with water according Ratios that fit and leave it for a while it hardens. By humans in ancient times, when I discovered that some rocks to make fire and shattered to pieces And ground thoroughly, then mix them in water for a wicked time. Will yield a solid mass. To shape the Portland Today Portland is made from a material that has elements Al or silica clay or laterite, including humus, which is iron mixed together.
10.1 Type of Portland
Portland is divided into various types as follows.
10.1.1 Portland Portland cement (Portland Portland).
This type of object was first to the city of Portland. In the UK. Land consists of Cement, limestone (Limestone) and clay (clay) In addition, it is mostly iron oxide (Fe2O3), and colonies do not post (MgCo3) is small. Portland Portland common in our house that is commonly used (brand Tiger Elephant Brand cobra) typically gray greenish (greenish gray), and it weighs about 92 lb / ft 3 when the raw material of Portland, which are compounds of oxides of elements. calcium, silicon, aluminum and steel, these substances react chemically together, and gathered in compounds in the clinker. In the form of extremely fine crystal.
Compounds of portland Portland.
The name of the compound. Chemical composition, initial
Tri-calcium silicate 3 CaO. SiO2 C3S.
Dicalcium silicate, 2 CaO. SiO2 C2S.
Tri-calcium aluminate Net 3 CaO. Al2O3 C3A.
State brand calcium aluminate amino Ferenc Wright 4 CaO. Al2O3. Fe2O3 C4AF.
C3S Portland to strength quickly within 14 days.
C2S Cement the strength slowly. Heat more often.
C3A Cement reaction cause the heat starts coagulation. The strength soon.
C4AF has slightly less strength added to reduce warming occurring.